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Свежая подборка статей по MS Dynamics CRM 2011 (англ.)

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Оригинал Weekly News #4: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR12 (Polaris) — Coming soon: More than 500 videos about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Calling Your Dynamics CRM Customers with Skype by Magnestism (22/01/2013)
What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Polaris Release: The Slides by Jukka Niiranen (21/01/2013)
JavaScript Compatibility Issue With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 by CRM Software Blog (21/01/2013)
What’s New for Developers for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online by MSDN (21/01/2013)
User Interface Changes in Dynamics CRM 2011 by Magnestism (21/01/2013)
Process — Driven UI Explored by Microsoft Dynamics CRM — Tips, Tricks and Add-ons (21/01/2013)
Script Errors after Installing UR12 by Dynamics CRM in the Field (21/01/2013)
Announcing Microsoft Dynamics CRM December 2012 Service Update by CRM Community (21/01/2013)
Administrating Cross-Browser Support by Sonoma Partners (21/01/2013)
CRM 2011 Rollup 12 — No More Freezing PC while Publishing by Magnestism (19/01/2013)
You have deployed Dynamics CRM Online, but how do I deploy Polaris content? by Microsoft CRM Team (19/01/2013)
Summary of newly released YouTube videos on Polaris new functionality by Microsoft by Steve Foster (18/01/2013)
Script Errors After the December 2012 Service Update by Microsoft CRM US (18/01/2013)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Polaris and UR12 Update by Sonoma Partners (18/01/2013)
Updated CRM 2011 Metadata Browser Released by Sonoma Partners (17/01/2013)
Update Rollup 12 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 is finally available! by Armanino CRM Team (16/01/2013)
Control Which Browsers Your Organization Supports by Microsoft CRM US (16/01/2013)
11 Microsoft Dynamics CRM December 2012 Service Update Videos by Microsoft Dynamics (16/01/2013)
Update on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 12 Release by CRM Community (15/01/2013)
Dynamics CRM 2011 SDK Query Limitations by API by Microsoft CRM Team (14/01/2013)
APAC Polaris Online Instance First Glance by Steve Foster (14/01/2013)
New and Improved Metadata Browser for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 by Microsoft CRM US (14/01/2013)
Default Activity ‘Filter on’ to ‘All’ Dynamics CRM 2011 UR12 by Magnestism (12/01/2013)
The Dynamics CRM 2011 Rollup Release Fiasco — Call for Change by Microsoft CRM Forum (11/01/2013)
CRM 2011 Multi Browser Support by MSCRM Bing’d (11/01/2013)
Impact of Dynamics CRM December 2012 Service Update and SharePoint Online Service Update on CRM-SharePoint Integration by Microsoft CRM US (08/01/2013)
Use ExecuteMultiple to Improve Performance for Bulk Data Load by MSDN (08/01/2013)
CRM 2011 Polaris — New Xrm.Page Method by Magnetism (08/01/2013)
Retrieve and Detect Changes to Metadata by MSDN (07/01/2013)
CRM 2011 UR12 (POLARIS) — Release Update by Chris Cognetta (13/12/2012)
December 2012 Service Update — Latest Information by Zero2Ten (11/12/2012)
